Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The opinions of others

This week I have used Google Reader to create some RSS feeds.

The conspicuousness of RSS feed links on pages is so variable.

It is fascinating to read the views of other librarians towards emerging library technologies and Web 2.0. It is reassuring to be part of a profession that thinks deeply about the adoption of new tools and allows for the expression of such diverse views as those expressed by Feel-good Librarian and Annoyed Librarian.

Another enjoyable task this week is looking at the blog posts by the other 23 Things participants. What a diverse group of people we are!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Goals, obstacles and toolkit

To learn about emerging library technologies
To evaluate these technologies and assess their potential for adoption
To adopt some of these new technologies to resolve current workplace needs
To help mentor others

Did i mention time?
More time

A more active imagination
Digital camera
A mentor for the mentor (Kathryn - where are you?)

Introductory post

This is the first of my 23 Things posts - where I will reflect In Black and White on the Murdoch University Library 23 Things programme.

So far, the first two things were actually rather pedestrian - too much reading and not enough doing for me.

Things 3 to 5 have proved much more interesting - more hands on and interactive. I'm just a little concerned about all of the usernames and passwords I am amassing.